
3D-modelling of landslide mobility in sensitive clays

The main objective of the thesis is to improve the modelling of sensitive clays.

Published 27.04.2023

Today, there is no reliable approach to model the complete process of landslides in sensitive clays, including initiation and run-out, both on land and offshore, in 3D.

A better understanding and modelling of the entire process in 3D would help assess potential run-out areas for landslides in sensitive clays more accurately, thereby leading to better hazard zone identification and mapping.

As seen in Gjerdrum, this is an important question because landslides initiated in sensitive clays can propagate up to several hundred meters. Successful modelling would have wide implications for practice in Norway and abroad.

The assignment

This MSc program focuses on the following: 

  1. Identify the probable failure mechanisms and the failure precursors of landslides in sensitive clays

  2. Landslide mobility analyses using NGI in-house software BingCLAW and other programs such as SPH and MPM.

  3. Summary and recommendations.
Portrait of Håkon Heyerdahl

Håkon Heyerdahl

Head of Section Slope Stability and Risk Assessment
+47 951 25 767
Portrait of Thi Minh Hue Le

Thi Minh Hue Le

Project Engineer I Geotechnics and Natural Hazards
+47 930 01 834
Portrait of Zhongqiang Liu

Zhongqiang Liu

Senior Specialist Slope Stability and Risk Assessment
+47 479 29 799