Geotechnical laboratory

Geotechnical engineers need relevant data on ground conditions that describe the behavior of soils and rock. NGI has always prioritized the development of laboratory equipment and methods that can measure the behavior of geomaterials when subjected to the loads that come from planned constructions such as buildings, roads, tunnels, platforms, and the like.
NGI's laboratories in Oslo, Houston and Perth have extensive experience and state-of-the-art equipment and personnel for geotechnical testing and interpretation, following international standards. All laboratories are accredited.
Geotechnical lab tests
- classification (description, grain distribution, water content, density, etc.)
- recommended method for determining the maximum dry density of sand
- recommended method for determining the minimum dry density of sand - simple strength tests (fall cone, pocket penetrometer, uniaxial compression, etc.)
- CT scan of retrieved samples
- advanced stress-strain strength tests
- triaxial test
- direct shear (DSS)
- oedometer test
- resonance column test
- "bender element" test (Gmax) - ring shear test
- plane strain tests
- specially designed experiments for loose masses with gas, frozen loose masses, etc.
- permeability test - Loose mass and filter/drain
- laboratory experiments in the field (onshore and offshore)
- high/low-temperature test
In addition, special tests and model trials are developed as needed, in collaboration with the client. Test types, equipment, and procedures are chosen carefully depending on the soil and rock type and what is to be assessed in the current situation.
Research and development
Combining expertise and high-quality equipment provides a unique starting point for new development. New test types for soil and rock are being developed, and new test procedures are being tested. The main goal is to find the most relevant soil or rock parameters that describe the material behavior in load-case situations.

Morten Andreas Sjursen
Head of Section Geotechnical Testing 476 00 553