CO2 storage (CCS)

NGI offers consulting and research services for the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) market. Specifically, our activities are focused on seal integrity, risk, and monitoring evaluations in relation to CO2 storage.
We utilize our state-of-the-art competence in laboratory testing, numerical analyses, risk evaluation, and monitoring instrumentation to ensure safe CO2 storage.
Expert consulting services include:
- Assistance and reviews for permit applications for CO2 storage.
- Third-party verification.
Site-specific services for geomechanical risk assessment include:
- Geomechanical testing
- Design and performance of testing programs - Failure risk screening and numerical simulations
- First order screening studies (analytical, FracStress)
- Integrated ground models (data from lab, logs and seismic)
- Detailed 3D field scale analysis (Numerical, PLAXIS, Abaqus)
- Thermo Hydro Mechanical Modelling (numerical THM-COMSOL)
- Hydraulic fracturing with CO2 fluid phase (numerical CZM-COMSOL)
- Along fault flow models - Containment risk evaluation
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis and uncertainty quantification - Monitoring and instrumentation advice
- Advice for monitoring setup based on geomechanical behaviour and risk
- Multiphysics modelling and inversion algorithms for history matching and
forward modelling of geomechanical behaviour and
(4D seismic, Surface measurements In-Sar, Micro seismic monitoring, CSEM)
- Well and surface-based instrumentation and monitoring systems
- Environmental monitoring

Research and consulting experience
Since 2008, NGI has amassed extensive experience in research and consulting on CO2 storage. This includes more than 20 research projects funded by CLIMIT (Gassnova and RCN), FME, and ERA-NET ACT, within NGI's focus areas of seal integrity, risk evaluation, and monitoring.
NGI has also been involved in reviewing CO2 storage permit applications within the depleted gas field in the Netherlands and is providing consulting services to the Northern Lights JV.
Recent projects are listed below with links to where more information can be found.
- SHARP (Stress history and reservoir pressure for improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks), 2021-2024:
SENSE (Assuring integrity of CO2 storage sites through ground surface monitoring), 2019-2022.: - NCCS (Norwegian CCS Research Center), 2017-2024.
COTEC – CO2 containment and monitoring techniques, 2019-2023.; - FRISK (Quantification of fault-related leakage risk), 2019-2022.;
- OASIS (Overburden Analysis and Seal Integrity Study for CO2 Sequestration in the North Sea), 2019-2022;
- IGCCS (Induced-seismicity Geomechanics for Controlled CO2 Storage in the North Sea), 2017-2020;
- FME-SUCCSESS, SUbsurface CO2 Storage-Critical Elements and Superior Strategy, 2008-2017;
- ACT4-Storage-Acoustic and chemical technologies for environmental monitoring of geological carbon storage, 2018-2019;
Experience with CO2 storage sites and pilots
NGI has gained experience relating to active sites currently injecting CO2 on large-scale, storage sites planned for large scale injection and CO2 storage pilots for testing and demonstration around the world. Below is a list of projects where NGI have been involved.
- Norway: Active storage sites Sleipner and Snøhvit, Northern Lights JV storage candidates Smeaheia and Aurora in Hordaplatform area, and the CO2 pilots Longyearbyen and Svelvik.
- Netherlands: Porthos - Review of CO2 storage license applications
- Algeria: In Salah CO2 storage site
- US: Decatur CO2 storage site

Tore Ingvald Bjørnarå
Head of Section Energy Geomechanics and Geophysics 908 59 184

Elin Skurtveit
Technical Expert Energy Geomechanics and Geophysics 478 93 848